Increasing scholarship support to help deserving students attend University College.

We believe that all qualified students should have access to the full spectrum of learning experiences available at UC, regardless of their financial background.

Increasing scholarship support helps ensure that deserving students can attend UC by offsetting tuition fees so that they can focus on their studies. Scholarships allow students to take advantage of UC’s rich extracurricular learning opportunities by freeing up time that might otherwise be spent working at a part-time job. Students who serve on our student government, the UC Literary and Athletic Society (UC Lit), write for our newspaper, The Gargoyle, or play intramural sports, not only forge deep connections within the UC community, they also develop the soft skills needed to succeed in the workforce.

There are many scholarship funds to which alumni and friends can contribute. We also welcome new scholarships attached to specific disciplines or areas of interest. The Boundless Promise Program, which augments needs-based awards for undergraduates, means that there has never been a better time to give. Through this program, the University of Toronto will match – in perpetuity and on a one-to-one basis – the annual income generated by new endowed donations of $25,000 or more.