Gift to UTSC creates expanded space for teaching, student services and community engagement

The Krembil Foundation is providing $1 million to U of T Scarborough to help create a new hub for student life and provide greater opportunities for community service, engagement and outreach.
Posted on October 6, 2016
A $1-million gift from the Krembil Foundation to U of T Scarborough will create the Krembil Student Commons, an innovative new space that aims to give UTSC students a strong sense of community and social engagement through unique, state-of-the-art open study spaces, enclosed quiet areas, flexible “collaboration zones” that can be adapted for individual or team work, as well as casual lounge seating for up to 400 students.
“Many UTSC students face lengthy commutes. As a result, it is important to create safe and inviting spaces that foster community, and support the academic, technological and social needs of those students who use the campus as the base for their daily activities,” said Bruce Kidd, Vice-President and Principal, U of T Scarborough. “The Krembil Student Commons will go far in meeting that goal by providing new, well-designed space for students to use on campus for learning and taking care of day-to-day tasks.”
How a student hub strengthens the greater city community
The Krembil Student Commons will be an integral part of the new Highland Hall, a centre of excellence for leading-edge research, teaching and community engagement in the social sciences, particularly related to the study of suburbs, migration and globalization. It will enable students to become directly involved in the synergies of such an environment, as well as support their educational and social needs.
“Our vision is that Highland Hall will become a vibrant hub of research and teaching, and a welcoming gateway and resource for the community, with students playing a central role in the process,” said Prof. Kidd. “The Krembil Student Commons is a vital first step in realizing that vision.”