CAN-Change Centre

Exploring environmental change and adaptation.
To drive comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of these complex issues, UTSC is creating Can-Change, a research centre devoted to the science of environmental change and adaptation. It will bring together the distinct strengths of the Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences to shed light on how our planet and its living systems are adapting to environmental change.
The centre will study issues and trends from local settings to a global context, tackling fundamental questions, including the impact of environmental stressors on biodiversity and crop yields; how plants adapt to changing environments; and the impact of environmental change on weather patterns.
To achieve this ambitious vision, philanthropic funding will be sought for endowed chairs, graduate scholarships, undergraduate research opportunities and academic seminars. Professor Marney Isaac (PhD 2008) takes her students into the field to learn about nutrient cycles and plant-soil interactions.