Public policy for successful societies

Building an international flagship for public policy - a place where innovative policy thinking and solutions happen.
Policy decisions have a direct bearing on the lives of every person in every country. Economic growth and income inequality, secure and sustainable energy, water and food resources, the provision of healthcare and education, immigration, political governance, aging populations increasingly, policy experts are at the forefront of solving today’s biggest challenges. As these issues become more complex, globalized and interconnected, the lines between domestic and foreign policy, and between the public and private sectors, are becoming blurred. As a consequence, the talent required to address them must be more knowledgeable about multiple disciplines and sectors.
Having a cadre of bold and effective public policy leaders with the necessary competencies, determination and ingenuity to find innovative solutions is a critical ingredient in the success of any society. The School of Public Policy and Governance was established in 2006 to tackle this new, multi-polar policy environment.
With support from the Campaign for faculty hires in high priority areas, for the next generation of policy leaders, for innovative programming and for new facilities, the School of Public Policy and Governance will solidify its position as an international flagship for public policy and indispensable resource for key policy makers a place where innovative policy thinking and solutions happen.