How can massive online learning live up to its promise?
As the world of online education grows, so do questions about its effectiveness. By bringing technological innovations to large and online courses, Professor Steve Joordens is demonstrating that students can get a deep and engaging learning experience remotely, online or in the biggest classrooms.
How do we address the transit challenges ahead?
Debates about public transit are empty without empirical evidence. By researching urban redevelopment, Professor André Sorensen and his students at the Cities Lab at UTSC are informing the discussion of transit options for Scarborough, the Greater Toronto Area and cities across North America.
Celebrating a Canadian artistic icon: Doris McCarthy estate entrusts U of T with extensive collection
The legacy of Canadian visual artist Doris McCarthy, who earned a BA at age 78 and died in 2010 at the age of 100, will continue to thrive at U of T Scarborough.